Homepage of the Supracontrol Enterprise application is page Locations and it's used for navigation through the created locations. For each location is possible to monitor operational conditions (access control, temperature, humidity, smoke and flood rope and video surveillance).
1. By the opening application, all locations are closed
2. By pressing an icon , it's possible to open all system's locations
If the location contains peripheral device or camera, next to the location's name will be shown peripheral or camera icon.
3. It's possible to open only one location by pressing the icon .
Peripheral devices (locks, magnetic door sensors, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and flood rope sensor), and cameras for video surveillance can be added to the locations. If the location contains peripheral device or camera, next to the location's name will be shown peripheral or camera icon.
Locations with added peripheral devices
Locations with added cameras
Locations with two alarmed peripherals
By swiping row of the location to the left, appears icon Events.
4. For each location is possible to preview all event logs. By swiping row of the location to the left, appears icon Events .
5. Icon Events displays list of all event logs for selected location. List is ordered from newest to older.
6. Tool Search is used for searching wanted location and it is located at the toolbar. In front of the icon will appear input field to input desired term. After inputs the location or part of the location, at the desktop displays searched location.