After the group is created it is needed to add access right and access users to group.
1. In the main menu select Access module
2. Toolbar select Open groups tool
3. Open groups tool consists of the three tabs. Default tab of the open groups tool is tab General
4. Tab general is used for group selection to add access rights to group. Selecting is manifested by appearance of the grey rectangle at the selected group.
5. Change tab from General to Permissions to add access right to group
6. Permission card
7. Selected group must contain locations or sub-locations where access users will have access rights. At this example sub-locations C18 and C11 are selected. As far as location Zona C is marked, all sub-locations within it with access rights are automatically selected. Multiple locations and sub-locations can be selected.
8. Option schedules contains drop down menu to select time period of access rights.
- Always - default setting for time period of access rights
- Schedules - time period of access right created by schedule
9. Save all settings
To add access user to group, condition is to create new access user.
1. Select tab Users in Open group tool.
2. Tabular view of added access users to particular group.
3. By pressing button ADD, opens new window
4. Select access user to add him to the group. Selecting is manifested by appearance check mark inside checkbox next to the name of users.
5. Saving all settings. User is added to the group when the all settings are saved.