In the Supracontrol Enterprise application it is possible to create reports that will be delivered at a predetermined time. We'll show you how you can do it.
Because the time at which a scheduled report is received depends on a previously defined schedule, you can create a schedule in advance (see Create schedules for more details) or you can do it while creating a scheduled report.
To create a new application user, click Settings (gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen) and select the Report scheduler setting in the System group in the left sidebar. Click it to open it.
Then click the green New button in the upper right corner of the Toolbar. The New report pop-up window will open with the data entry fields.
Attention! Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. These fields must not be left blank wherever you encounter them.
1) Name - enter the name of the scheduled report.
2) Description - here you can describe what a scheduled report is about.
3) Visible - use the dropdown menu determine whether a scheduled report will be visible to all (Public) or for your eyes only (Private).
4) Schedule - use the dropdown menu to determine whether a scheduled report will be delivered during working hours.
5) New schedule button - opens a pop-up window in which you can create a new schedule. Find more information on how to do this in the Create schedules article.
6) Locations - enter locations covered by a scheduled report. You can pick just one, more of them or all that are available by ticking a box next to a location, or next to Select All option. It is possible to spread each location so that sub-locations could be seen. You can do this by clicking the arrow next to each location.
7) Select report type - pick what kind of report (or more of them) would you like to receive:
- Access Control Summary - summary access control report type for the selected locations. The e-mail will contain the number of access granted and denied, as well as the number of attempted entry with an unregistered card.
- Access Control Details - detailed access control report for the selected locations. The email will contain a link to download the file in PDF format.
- Enviroment Summary - summary environmental monitoring status report for the selected locations. The email will show the total number of recorded events, as well as the number of peripherals that are in an alarm state.
- Enviroment Details - detailed environmental monitoring status report. The email will contain a link to download the file in PDF format.
8) Cancel button - click this button to leave the pop-up window without saving.
9) Save button - click this button to save all settings.
At any time you can ask for help if you click the question mark icon (?) in bottom left corner or close the pop-up window clicking X in top right corner.